
Miracles happen behind our doors. The truth of the matter is that when your body complains, we listen! We are dedicated to helping individuals find real and lasting health. We identify the underlying issues of the health problems, so that you don't have to endlessly treat symptoms.

Our team addresses your complaints by handling the structural and chemical imbalances through precise programs. Natural healing techniques including chiropractic, nutrition, acupuncture, emotional trauma release, nutri-medicine, allergy clearing, weight detox programs, and lifestyle education.

Treated Conditions

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Spinal Analysis

Spinal and postural screenings pinpoint spinal misalignment issues that may be causing pain, numbness, tingling or other medical or health issues. Once screening is complete, Dr. Benton works with each patient to develop a unique plan of action to help address misalignment and improve overall health.

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Chiropractic Care

Dr. Benton provides safe, effective treatments for a wide range of health issues. From preventive adjustments to proactive care of disease and injuries.

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Emotional Trauma Release

Many studies have shown the intimate connection between emotional pain and physical health.  Dr. Benton's proprietary emotional trauma release therapy addresses underlying behaviors  and trapped emotions that cause chronic pain.

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Physical Therapy

As a licensed healthcare provider, Dr. Benton offers patients' a full range of physical therapy techniques to help you recover quicker after an injury and assist you to regain your neuro-musculo-skeletal health, strength and flexibility.

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Comprehensive Nutritional Counseling

Dr. Benton offers comprehensive nutritional counseling services to help patients manage chronic health conditions, achieve personal health and wellness goals, creating optimal health.

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Muscle Rejuvenation

Dr. Jeffrey Benton has spent years studying the health and potential of the human body. He offers patients a unique series of muscle rejuvenation treatments designed to help the body reach its full potential.

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Acupressure and Homeopathy

Dr. Benton has a deep understanding of body energy and its connection with health and wellness. His comprehensive approach to health and wellness treatments, include acupressure therapy aimed at achieving optimal health and balanced energy.

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All concussions have misaligned cranial bones. All special needs children, Autism, ADD, ADHD, Rett’s, Asperger’s, learning difficulties, and behavior problems have a cranial etiology.

To completely correct the above conditions the bones in the skull must be properly aligned.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Most Americans are SO tired and run down that a new medical term was coined calling this phenomenon “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" (CFS). The Centers for Disease Control says that this debilitating Syndrome (CFS) affects 1 million Americans, 17% of the US population.

This condition usually involves the adrenal gland. Call us to find out our multi-phasic approach to remedy this condition.

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Personal Injury Cases

Few people know about the do’s and dont’s when it comes to getting in an accident?

Dr. Benton has treated many patients over the years and have learned a lot about what you have to do when you get injured.

Call our office right away and ask to have a conversation with us regarding your case, at +1 323 297 0566.

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Brain Trauma

In an accident, a head striking a door or a severe whiplash injury requires special attention. Traumatic brain injuries, if not monitored and treated correctly  can have lingering effects.

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Adrenal Gland Dysfunction

Many people suffer from stressed-out, tired adrenal glands which leads to ligament laxity. The typical symptoms can include fatigue, joint clicking, dull achy pain, inflammatory conditions (problems that end in -itis). In fact, low adrenals often cause, underlie, or aggravate many health problems. We treat and remedy the root of the problem without using medication.

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Worker's Comp Cases

Chiropractic care is an effective treatment for workers compensation issues. If you have suffered a job related injury, chiropractic has been shown in clinical studies to be more effective than medical treatments, medications and surgery to relieve most symptoms.

It is important to tell your supervisor that you choose a specific doctor to be your treating doctor before you are injured.

Our Services

Dr. Benton has advanced training in chiropractic kinesiology, Zindler, acupressure, total body modification and clinical nutrition to name a few. These techniques, coupled with therapeutic massage and proven sports rehabilitation therapies, maximize the body’s optimal health and effectiveness.

Symptoms We Treat

Our proprietary healing techniques get to the true root of the pain and take it away once and for all. Our cutting edge methods utilized in healing pain are unmatched.

We treat symptoms like:

Chronic Pain


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Sports Injuries

Auto Accidents


Herniated Discs

Back, Shoulder and Arm Pain

Acid Reflux

and more...

Maximize your body’s optimal health and effectiveness

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding our services, patient information, insurances or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us or call us at +1 323 297 0566.

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday:10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Friday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sunday: By appointment only.

All content of web design is owned and copyrighted by Benton Chiropractic Media Corporation and can only be distributed, and/or modified with prior written permission of same.