Are you Drinking Enough Water?

MAY, 2017

You might think that by adding up the cup of coffee you drink in the morning, the big gulp of coke at lunch, and iced tea at dinner, you could claim to drink enough. But since most of us do not drink 8 glasses or more of water per day we are clogging up our bodies with toxins!

Did you know that we need 2 cups of water to help the liver flush out the caffeine from our morning coffee?

Most people do not understand the importance of water for general health and vitality. In fact, Dr. Ross Anderson, world renown authority on auto-intoxication and parasitic infection, lists auto-intoxication at the top of the list of reasons why we are diseased and stay diseased. Auto-intoxication is the body re-poisoning itself with its own toxic waste. "Inadequate intake of water and prolonged transit time of fecal material add to the toxic burden."


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